The Local Edit Part I

Here we have a piece that I did not write myself but I was part of the sourcing team for this article on A Fashion Friend. We had to gather information on what accessories were trending at the time, source these items from various stores across Cape Town and put together visually appealing flat lays for the different posts. This is the first article in this series.

This is just a screenshot of the article as it went live on their website but you can check out the original here or simply read it below.


Sure, there's a whole lot of attention being shed on Cape Town’s local fashion scene this week. And even though we’ll always have a deep love and appreciation for legendary fashion houses, it’s refreshing to be captivated by talented, lesser-known brands that are not only trying to make a name for themselves but deserve to do so. 

For that reason, we’ve rounded up a few of our favourite local brands. These labels boast refreshing creativity, intense attention to detail, and an eye for wearability that will have you saving your pennies for any piece you can get your hands on.

 1. Grass Beanie R400, Nicholas Coutts at AKJK
2. MK Luxury Leather Bag R3650, Thalia Strates
3. Pinny Necklace R1250, Kirsten Goss 
4. Silk Safari Choker R220, Raya Rossi

Photographs // Raya Rossi
